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Simple Ways to Detoxify Your Body

Simple Ways to Detoxify Your Body

Simple Ways to Detoxify Your Body

Simple Ways To Detoxify Your Body

Feel tired, bloated and guilty after consuming too much sugar, carbs, alcohol and salts?  It might be time for body detox.

While our body is designed to detox naturally, sometimes, it can use a little help. In this blog post, we’ll give you some simple ways to cleanse your body without going hungry or depriving yourself of essential nutrients. Read on to find a cleansing method that works for you.

detox body naturally

Sweat it out

We all know that exercise can help us shed some pounds and is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. But it is also a great option to turn to if you want to clear your body of toxins.

Our skin is a major eliminative organ. The more you sweat, the more efficient your body becomes at circulating and flushing out toxins. Start your day with physical activity. Go for a walk, do yoga exercises or hit the treadmill. You can also go the sauna once a week so your body can eliminate waste through perspiration.

Replace morning coffee with green tea

Green tea is a much better choice if you need caffeine to get going in the morning. Coffee contains toxins that can impair kidney and liver function. Plus, it can contribute to dehydration.

An occasional cup of coffee is fine. But if you want to cleanse your body, you might want to replace coffee with green tea. Green tea contains a small amount of caffeine, which is enough to help you jumpstart your day. Add to that, it also offers antioxidants that our body needs.

Add naturally detoxing foods to your diet

Stock your home with healthy and delicious foods such as fruits, vegetables and taking a good quality probiotic such as coconut or water kefir. Don’t forget to add foods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids like flax seeds, olive oil, walnuts, tuna and salmon. High fiber, high water fruits such as avocado, olives, cantaloupe, pears, grapefruit and berries will help keep your digestive system active and clean out your gut.

As a way to eat healthier, try incorporating organic foods into your diet in addition to increasing fruits and vegetables. Eating organic can have a drastic effect on keeping your digestive system active and your body healthy.

Drink lots of water

Since excess salt, sugar and alcohol can dehydrate our body, you need to increase your fluid intake.  Make sure, however, that the water you drink is filtered to remove toxins such as Fluoride, chlorine, and other chemicals and pathogens.

How much water should you drink every day? Experts suggest 11 cups (2.7 liters) for the average female adult and 15 cups (3.7 liters) for the average adult male. Proper hydration can contribute to properly functioning organs, healthier skin and a more effective metabolism. It’s also one of the easiest ways to detox your body.